Your Guide for Writing Agent Bios

Considering how competitive the insurance world is, having a well-written agent bio can make a difference in how your current and future customers may view your agency.

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices you should keep in mind when it comes to writing your insurance agent bio!

Prioritize What’s Most Important

Imagine you’re a potential customer who happens to find your website. Do you think they’re going to care more about how many awards you’ve won or what types of products and services you offer?

Chances are, your customers came to your website because they’re in need of a new insurance policy, not your life story –– well, at least not all of it. You should always start your bio by introducing where your agency is located and the types of products and services you offer. Then you can start mixing in the fun fluff information about yourself. 

Keep Things Concise

To reiterate the previous point, your bio shouldn’t be a novel. Think of it more as a teaser that tells people just enough about who you are.

Try keeping things simple and to the point — around 200–250 words — while making sure you include all of the key information you need, including what types of products you offer. To help maintain brevity, consider using contractions and slang when appropriate to make your bio easy to digest.

Throw in Some Fun Details

While you should focus on business first, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your bio! For starters, try hooking people with a fun tagline in your intro. Remember, adding personal details in your bio can make you appear more relatable and approachable to customers. 

Think of unique or fun facts about yourself, like interesting hobbies, work and educational background, details about your family, any community groups or events you’re involved in, etc.

For example, if you mention being involved in your local chamber of commerce, another affiliated business owner may take notice of this detail and be interested in choosing you for business insurance.

Utilize Keywords

Bios that utilize relevant keywords will do much better generating organic traffic on search engines. When choosing keywords, go for ones with high search volume and low keyword difficulty.

Also, try utilizing long tail keywords that are more specific (e.g. home insurance in Las Vegas). However, make sure you’re not keyword-stuffing for the sake of generating traffic. (Hint: that won’t work.)

For more tips on using keywords, check out the following blog.

Be Consistent

Information in your bio should be consistent. Whether you plan on writing your bio in first-person or third-person is up to you, but depending on what route you choose, it should stick to the same voice throughout. The same goes for whatever tone you choose as well.


This may seem obvious, but having a bio littered with spelling and grammar errors can be a turn-off for customers. 

While most word processors have spell-check systems built into them, it also doesn’t hurt to download an editing extension to your browser like Grammarly to help you do an even more careful job with editing.  

Update As Needed

Revisiting your bio at least once a year never hurts. You should also update your bio if you begin offering any new products or need to provide any updates to your office. 

At Melon Local, we understand how busy your workload is and that you may not always have enough time in your day to work on your bio. Thankfully, we can help with bio writing in addition to all our digital marketing services. 

Learn more about how we can boost your digital marketing game by scheduling a demo today!