2022 Insurance Marketing Trends You Need to Know

New year number 2022 in golden balloons held by hands

January 24, 2022 - Welcome, 2022! Every year, we like to kick things off by examining what’s new in the world of insurance marketing. Digital marketing is always evolving. Technology advances, customer behavior changes, and marketers who stay agile have the best chance of getting ahead. 

To help you create an insurance marketing strategy for 2022, we’ve rounded up some of the most popular trends for your industry. We made sure that each of these trends are something you can easily incorporate into your strategy so you can make the most of your year. Take a peek at what’s in store to find insurance marketing ideas for your business. 

Customer Testimonials are Still Essential

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, customer testimonials are essential to your insurance marketing strategy. It’s easy for consumers to rate and review businesses they interact with through platforms like Google, Facebook, Yelp and more. These channels also enable prospects to see what others have to say about your business, so it’s important to make sure your agency is showing up in its best light. 

Of course, the first and best way to get glowing customer testimonials for your business is to provide outstanding customer service. According to Microsoft, 90% of Americans say customer service is a deciding factor in whether or not to do business with a company. 

Failing to deliver high customer satisfaction rates can also mean bad news for your business’s reputation. In a study completed by Salesforce, 62% of customers say they share their negative experiences with a business with others. Don’t worry though, the results of the same study say that 72% of people are likely to share their positive experiences with others. This means that every interaction your team has with your policyholders is an opportunity to win a raving testimonial online!

Bite-Sized Social Media Content

Some research indicates that in our increasingly busy and online world, the average person’s attention span has gotten shorter. Couple this with the saturation of social media, and it can be difficult to capture someone’s attention online. It’s important that your social media posts be intentional and impactful to get your prospects to stop scrolling long enough to view your post. 

A new insurance marketing trend we’re seeing in 2022 is bite-sized social media content. These are posts with bits of information your ideal customer would find interesting and helpful. Since these posts provide just small chunks of information at a time, they are easily digestible while still providing value for your followers. For example, you may create a post with statistics on the amount of driving accidents in your local area. Not only is this information helpful for your policyholders, but it also demonstrates the value of the services you provide. 

LinkedIn is Growing in Popularity

What was once known as a place to keep your resume up to date is now a social media powerhouse in its own right. Much like other popular social media channels, LinkedIn allows people and businesses to engage on their platform through posts, comments, likes, and so much more. This channel also features thought leaders and influencers who have extensive reach and the ability to drive engagement. Right now, LinkedIn is seeing higher usage rates and responding by expanding its offerings, giving business professionals like you new opportunities to grow. 

As an insurance agent, you understand the importance of interpersonal communication with your prospects and policyholders. This concept should extend in the digital sphere, including on platforms like LinkedIn. Developing a strategy for LinkedIn is a great insurance marketing idea to incorporate into your overarching online marketing plan. 

Make This Your Best Year Yet

Melon Local can help you build an insurance marketing strategy that gets results so you can grow your business  in 2022. To learn more about how we do it, schedule a demo with our team. We’ll get to know your goals and help you create a digital marketing strategy that works for your agency.