10 Video-Making Strategies for Insurance Agents

In this day and age, it’s essential for insurance agents to incorporate video content into their marketing strategy.

Today, 86 percent of businesses regularly use video as a marketing tool, so filming engaging and unique content should be a priority for your agency. Videos are a great way to connect with your audience and community, and they can be especially effective when used as part of a larger marketing campaign.

10 Ideas for Engaging Videos

Let’s take a look at 10 fun and engaging video ideas you can incorporate into your marketing strategy, as well as best practices for filming.

1. Product Overviews

Whether it’s insurance policies, such as auto, home, life or renters insurance, filming overview clips can benefit your customers and ensure they have the extra knowledge needed to choose coverage. Consider breaking down insurance jargon, coverage options, FAQ sessions and what customers need to consider when seeking coverage.

2. Educational Content

In addition to product overviews, you can film yourself talking about insurance tips and advice. If you offer financial services, this is a great opportunity to offer advice on planning and saving and encourage people to utilize you for your services.

3. Introduce Yourself

Video is a great medium for introducing yourself to your audience. While it doesn’t hurt to focus on your professional background, you can always highlight other fun things, including personal interests and unique details about your life.

4. Meet the Team

No matter how big your team is, there are plenty of opportunities to showcase your staff through video. Some ways you can present your team include short videos detailing their expertise, commitment to customer service or even fun videos about their interests.

5. Client Testimonials

If you ever find yourself a happy customer, consider asking them to share their positive feedback on video! It’s one thing to read someone’s positive review, but having it on video can make it even more impactful for potential customers.

6. Industry Updates

From changes in technology and insurance regulations to changes in state coverage, keep your audience informed about the latest developments in the insurance industry. Doing this presents yourself as an expert and is current with the times.

7. Community Involvement

You should always take any opportunity to highlight your agency’s involvement in community events like charity drives and fundraisers. Not only are videos a great way to raise awareness for different causes, but they can also resonate with your customers and help boost your brand’s visibility.

8. Live Q&A Sessions

Consider hosting live Q&A sessions on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram in which you address common insurance-related questions. This interactive approach lets you connect directly with your audience in real time and help educate them about your industry.

9. Give People a Virtual Office Tour

Doing a video tour of your office is a great way to show off your company culture and any unique features to potential customers. For example, you can mention if your office is pet-friendly, offers notary services or offers anything else a regular insurance agency may not provide.

10. Emergency Preparedness

Making emergency preparedness videos for natural disasters that may affect your area, including hurricanes, flash flooding, tornadoes, wildfires and earthquakes, can help increase brand awareness and keep people safe during an emergency.

Video-Making Best Practices

While it doesn’t hurt to invest in professional video equipment, you don’t have to shoot a Hollywood-level production to get your message across — just a smartphone will do! Before you start filming, though, keep the following best practices in mind.

Understand Your Audience

Make sure you understand your target audience before you start filming content, including what demographic interests, pain points and preferences. You should always tailor your video content to speak directly to their needs and concerns. By personalizing video content, you add more relevance to your videos.

Stay Consistent

It’s up to you if you want to film and post content weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly, but keeping consistency in mind helps viewers anticipate and look forward to your content.
Being consistent is essential for building and maintaining an engaged audience. Creating a content calendar to help you stick to a regular posting schedule can help you stay on track.

Keep Things Short

According to a 2023 book by psychologist Dr. Gloria Mark, data shows that the attention span of an individual watching videos has decreased from 2.5 minutes in 2004 to approximately 47 seconds today. While the length of your content may vary depending on the topic, try keeping things around 30 seconds to a minute-and-a-half in length to keep your audience’s attention.

Optimize for Mobile

Did you know over 75% of people get the majority of their short-form video content on mobile devices? Make sure your videos are mobile-friendly by utilizing vertical or square formats when appropriate, as well as clear visuals and legible text. Optimizing for mobile video content can improve not only the viewing experience but also engagement and accessibility.

Engage with Your Audience

Your video content should not be a one-way communication channel. Always encourage engagement by asking questions, including a call to action, prompting comments and responding to feedback. Engaging with your audience can build a sense of trust and community.

Track and Analyze Performance

Track and analyze data from whatever platforms you post to ensure you’re making content that speaks to your audience and is helping your overall marketing goals. Pay attention to certain metrics such as views, engagement rates, click-through rates and watch time.

Need Some Extra Help?

While you may not have to spend a fortune producing video content, it can still cost time. In fact, 23 percent of non-video marketers say they don’t use video for marketing due to time restraints. Did you also know Melon Local can help with promoting and creating video content for you on social media? Learn more about how we can help you create custom-tailored content and address your advertising needs by scheduling a demo with us today!